P H O T O S / V I D E O
You can show up to your appointment with makeup on your eyebrows to give me an idea as to how you draw your eyebrows (I will take this into consideration the shape when mapping out your eyebrows). We will begin to take photos and a video of your current eyebrows (with/without makeup). 

I will apply a numbing agent for 30 mins, at this time, feel free to take a washroom break or to stretch before you have to go back to laying down. During the microblading procedure, I will have a second numbing agent. Pain levels vary from person to person (I've had some clients who fall asleep throughout the procedure). Note: Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure. Also, if you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

This is the most crucial and longest step of the process. We’ll chat about your brows and expectations and I will advise on what shape is achievable based on your current eyebrow hair growth and shape. It's important to give a brow shape that is most natural and it naturally flows with your hair growth.I  will start to map out one of your eyebrows and use your face and feature to create the perfect eyebrow for you. If you are happy with the shape of that brow, I will then map out the other brow using a measuring apparatus to ensure they are even. The drawing of the brows can take longer than the microblading itself and is the most important step. We will not begin to numb or blade until you are happy and approve of the shape. 

C O L O U R  C O N S U L T A T I O N
Before we begin to microblade, we will choose the right pigment colour for your brows based on your skin tone and hair colour. The aim is to go with a colour that is most natural. Some clients prefer to go a bit lighter during their initial appointment, giving them the option to go darker (if they like) during their touch-up/Perfection Visit. 

Microblading is done with a specially designed ‘blade’ made up of tiny needles; it’s not electric and makes no noise like tattoo or permanent make-up machines. I simply dip the blade into the pigment each time I draw tiny ‘hair like’ incisions in the brow area as I work between both brows. I massage the pigment into the brows and apply ‘masks’ of pigment to ensure each incision has been embedded with colour. Microblading doesn’t go as deep as a regular tattoo which is why they are built over two sessions.

The ombré powder fill method uses an electric hand tool to create a soft, powdered effect that resembles eyebrow powder. This method involves the application of thousands of tiny dots of pigment, inserted into the skin, gradually building up a colour and defined shape.

T O U C H - U P / P E R F E C T I O N  V I S I T
As the pigment will fade out and will be 40% of the initial colour, this session allows me to assess how well your skin retains pigment and an opportunity to make any adjustments, such as adding density, darkening the colour or go for a bolder shape/size now that you are used to your new brows. Very minor changes can make a very big difference in the final result.